Wow! Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the Aaron Brooks Guest Instructor Clinic. It was really an incredible night, showcasing Aaron’s Jiu-Jitsu as well as the love and binding nature in and of this art. It was the most people we’ve had on the mats at one time, with 58 people in attendance! We had every belt color represented as well as six academies/teams.

In the limited time that he had, Aaron was able to teach the basics of Collar Sleeve Guard, connecting the the Omoplata, using the Omoplata to sweep, and finishing with the Monoplata and Lat Armlock. He was incredibly gracious with his time, making sure to make the rounds and ensure that everyone was understanding the techniques and that everyone’s questions were answered and problems addressed.

Let’s rally the troops for the upcoming IBJJF Chicago Spring Open! It is on April 5th (Adult Gi) and April 6th (Adult No Gi & Kids). If you sign up before March 7th it is $134 for one division or $229.00 for Gi and No Gi. If you sign up from March 8th – March 28th it is $162 & $276, respectively. You will have to both register a membership with IBJJF and register for this particular Open. There is a sign-up sheet for this at the front desk. However, this sign up sheet is just for our information purposes and does not register you for the tournament.
If you’re thinking about competing, this is an amazing, professional, and high-level tournament to do! If you have any questions, please talk to us!
Before the IBJJF Chicago Spring Open, it might be a good idea to get some warm-up rounds in at the next Wisconsin Dells Grappling Industries! This tournament is on March 22nd and Early Bird Registration is $70 for 1 or 2 divisions if you register before February 15th. Normal Registration (until March 8th) is $95, and Late Registration (until March 18th) is $120.
We’ve competed in the Dells a number of times, gotten a lot of matches, and even won some team trophies! This is a great tournament for kids in particular, who will get a lot of great matches close to home! There is also a sign-up sheet for this tournament at the front desk, but again: you’ll have to register with Grappling Industries in order to compete.
The cold & flu is tearing through Madison, including here at Sanctuary! This is just a reminder that if you feel sick: you should absolutely 100% stay home. Even if you’re unsure, just stay home. If you feel better and it was all in your head: it’s better to be safe than sorry and risk getting your training partners sick. It’s really the same as coming to class with a clean gi and trimmed nails: basic hygiene to protect each other.

Fundamentals: last week we worked on three techniques that utilized a strong head-and-arm control position – utilizing a strong crosssface and an underhook to separate the elbow from the body to progress our position into the 3/4 Mount, Mount, or Keylock position. We applied these concepts equally to the Knee on Belly position, advancing to Mount; attacking the Keylock from the Mount; and passing the Half Guard with the Tripod Pass into 3/4 Mount.
Advanced: in Advanced class we studied attacking the Reverse Triangle from bottom Side Control, as well as utilizing that strong control position to attack the Kimura and Keylock, respectively. We then connected that position to a Half Guard / Over Under defense into the Reverse Triangle Attacks.
No Gi: in No Gi we studied attacking the armlock from Dogfight and Turtle, as well as progressing our position in escaping the bottom Side Control.

This week in kids’ class, we worked on the cross collar choke from mount and from closed guard. We also focused on transitions by repping out a progression from a pass to knee on belly to mount and ending with a key lock. Our biggest lesson this week was in patience! If you act too hastily, you can lose your position and have to start over. Congrats to Jackson, Jace, and Ayrton for leveling up their belts and to Milah for earning her first stripe! All the hard work you are putting in on the mats is paying off!