As we start to enter the UW academic year, we’re seeing a lot of new faces in the gym. It’s great to have packed classes and see so many new people trying Jiu-Jitsu for the first time, returning to Madison from their home academies, or coming back after a hiatus. With a large influx of new people, we all need to ensure that our culture maintains it’s integrity. We don’t have rules posted at the academy (yet), but they do exist – both explicit and implicit. This is a good time for all members – new and veteran – to review these rules of standards and etiquette. As always, if you have any questions about anything, please reach out to me!

A few of us were able to make it out to Foundations for the Isaac Doderlein Collar Sleeve seminar on September 2nd. It was a great time and it’s always incredibly valuable to learn the game of high-level World Champion athletes. The beauty of Jiu-Jitsu is that it is always growing, expanding, and evolving. For that reason, ones understanding and education never stops. It’s important to me to continually evolve my own understanding and that of my students so we can grow and evolve together. I encourage everyone to be on the lookout for regional seminars of high-level instructors and athletes and attend those seminars to bring the knowledge and skill back to the academy. I, myself, will always do the same.
After months of empty promises, I’ve finally started putting up our photo wall. I want to get everyones picture on this wall! Most academies have medals and trophies prominently displayed for visitors and new members to see. While the success of our individual members – and the academy as a whole – in competition is something to be proud of: it is not the focal point of our culture here at Sanctuary. Much more important are the lifestyle changes, philosophical shifts, and internal growth that occurs when you start training Jiu-Jitsu. These things aren’t embodied in a medal or trophy, they exist within each of us. That’s why I want our members to be among the first things that people see when they walk in Sanctuary.

I’m going to be pulling aside all of our White Belts, to get their pictures first. If you don’t want your photo on the wall, that’s totally! Just let me know, and absolutely no offense will be taken! If I forget to take your picture, it’s not because I don’t want you on the wall, it’s only because I’m a human, make mistakes, and have the memory of a goldfish: so grab me and tell me to take your photo!

Fundamentals: the last two weeks in Fundamentals we focused on submissions from dominant positions. For the first week we studied the Armlock. For the second week we studied the Cross Collar Choke. For the Armlock series we studied the Armlock from the Guard on Monday, from the Mount on Wednesday, and from Side Control on Friday. For the Cross Collar choke we learned the Closed Guard variation on Monday, choking from the Mount on Wednesday, and the Cross Collar and Bow & Arrow Choke on Friday. This coming week we will be focusing on the Armlock again from different positions.
Advanced: in Advanced class we circled back around to drilling various points of control, off-balance, and attacks from the Modified X guard – or the Dalpra X, as I’ve been calling it. The following week we drilled what was taught at the most recent Isaac Doderlein seminar, studying the Collar Sleeve Guard.
No Gi: in No Gi we drilled some entries into Single X, attacking a modified Toe/Heel Hold and a Knee Bar when our partner defends, and then moved on to K Guard, studying the Backside Heelhook, Straight Ankle Lock, and transitioning to X Guard and 70/30 when our partner prevents the K Guard entry.

There were arm bars everywhere in Kids’ Class! We worked on arm bars from the guard, mount, and side control and then we experimented with retaining mount. Being able to control and hold a position is critical to scoring points in Jiu-Jitsu. It also increases the level of understanding of the position itself. We practiced an x-choke setup from top mount and a trap and roll escape from bottom mount.
Trust is always important in Jiu-Jitsu, but even more essential when we are working on submissions. Our partners need to trust us to use control and to respect the tap. And our instructors need to trust us to listen carefully so that we can execute submissions safely. We discussed ways that people build and break trust. Like most things in Jiu-Jitsu, this concept applies in our everyday life.
We also learned a new game – Zombie Dogs. It was a lot of fun watching the kids organize, strategize, and try to prevent the inevitable zombie dog takeover.
We did a lot of live rolling this last week through positional drills, King of the Mat, and full rounds. We talked about the importance of team and how to grow our Jiu-Jitsu together. It is great to see so much positive energy and enthusiasm on the mats!
Welcome to Olive, Brooklyn, and Weston who signed up these last two weeks! Every student who joins us brings something to our community. We wouldn’t be who we are without our members!