We’re super excited to be hosting this event! This will be our first Jiu-Jitsu in the Park Cookout! It will be on Monday, May 29th from noon – 3 P.M. at the Warner Park Rainbow Shelter. We will have food (burgers & brats) and beverages for all, and we will also have mats set up for rolling! This is a members-only Open Mat and you don’t need to bring anything aside from yourself, your Gi (or No Gi gear), and you can bring a dish to pass if you’d like! You’re welcome to bring family as well, of course! If you would like to attend, please RSVP by clicking the link below. We really hope you can all make it and are really looking forward to this!
Reminder that May 27th is Grappling Industries in Wisconsin Dells. We’d love to have a big showing at this event, and that doesn’t just mean competitors! If you’d like to compete in the event, you can register here. We already have about 10 people signed up and ready to go! We’d like to get 15 – 20 people competing overall! If you’re wondering whether or not you’re ready to compete or are on the fence, please talk to Coach Jordan. Competing is a great experience and the more teammates you have around you, the better your experience will be. If you’re not interested in competing we would still really like you to come out and cheer on your teammates and watch them compete!
Competition classes have been popular, challenging, and super fun! To note, the training is very structured and considerably different from what you’re used to in a normal Jiu-Jitsu class. There is no music, and silence (no talking) is required during the entirety of all training rounds. This class is not just for competitors! Everyone can benefit from the focused training of this class. Competition class is currently held in lieu of Wednesday and Friday 7 P.M. Advanced and No Gi class. However, the Friday Competition class will be No Gi.

Fundamentals: this last week was all about Side Control Escapes. On Monday we studied escaping Side Control when your opponent blocks your hips on the same side, forcing you to turtle. Wednesday saw the review of the Modern Hip Escape, using frames to connect to – and control – our opponent while we make space to replace our guard. On Friday we quickly learned the Keylock from Side Control, why it isn’t an optimal submission, and how to escape it.
Advanced: In Advanced class we continued our study of the De La Riva Guard, this time moving on to passing. We drilled a variation of the Leg Drag, and also studied the basic Babybolo from DLR, as well as a variation .
No Gi: in No Gi this week, Black Belt Matt Poster showed various attacks, points of control, entries, and transitions to/from his Kimura Trap. Thanks so much for teaching this week, Matt!

Like a lot of things in life, Jiu-Jitsu is more fun when you take a chance and give something new a try. This week we focused on using our partners’ reaction to advance our position from side control. We also practiced working quickly toward a specific goal by shortening our round durations to one minute and sometimes even 30 seconds. We did a lot of falling and laughing while playing the game Flamingo Wrestling to practice our balance. Congratulations to Valerie and Esme for earning a stripe this week! Consistency and hard work pays off!